command should be logically grouped under navigation (#16).Default keybinding ctrl+shift+r or cmd+shift+r.
Documented keybindings (and how to change 'em).Small architectural changes to support future development.Multi-root support (requires vscode october 2017 update or higher).Support custom documentation overrides (see #15).Fix usage in non-workspaces fails (see #22).Fix issue with forward-slashes in module names (see #25).Major unix bugfix (shoutout to Fix readme vs README filename cross platform issues (see #24).NET and Visual Studio for Mac are working for our customers in the real world. We’ve been using and testing with M1 Macs, but it’s always great to hear how. Add back abitrary module lookup input field (see #30) Hi We recently posted about how Visual Studio for Mac is supporting Apple Silicon / M1 architecture through the Rosetta translation layer starting in version 8.9, and we’re working towards native support.Fix regex activation in invalid cases (see #30).Semver npm lookup bugfix (shoutout to Fix npm lookup with semver ranges (see #31).Dropped support for older vscode versions.Here's a running list of recent changes! :sparkles: This will load the specified file or module documentation rather than the official from the original module. Override nodeReadme.overrides with an object containing your custom documentation overrides indexed by module name.If you wish to override the documentation that will be provided for a specific module, you can do so using extension settings. File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts.If you wish to change the key binding for this behavior, do the following: This extension supports navigating to documentation from the following programming languages:īy default, ctrl+shift+r (or cmd+shift+r on mac) is bound as a shortcut to show the documentation for a module, if the cursor is currently touching that module name. Offline documentation for installed modules.
A vscode extension to view javascript module documentation in editor.